Solar Analysis
Typhoon Yagi triggers significant drop in solar production across Southeast Asia
Discover how Typhoon Yagi, a Category 5 storm, caused unprecedented drops in solar production across Southeast Asia, impacting cities like Hanoi, Shenzhen, and Manila.
Solar Analysis

Company News
How we did it: The story behind Solcast’s big result in major forecast accuracy competition
Take a behind-the-scenes look at how Solcast topped the charts in the forecast accuracy trial, using its Advanced PV Model and years of continuous improvements.
Company News

Solar Analysis
Sunny end to summer boosts solar in most of Europe
Most of Europe saw record-breaking solar generation in August, with irradiance up to 20% above normal, driven by a strong high-pressure system.
Solar Analysis

Company News
Solcast’s forecast accuracy proven in major competitive trial
Proving its leadership in solar forecasting, Solcast, a DNV Company, achieved the lowest error rate in the EPRI trial spanning 5 solar plants and 12 weeks from hour ahead to day ahead.
Company News

How can site measurements improve my Solcast Rooftop PV Power forecast?
Discover how to improve your Solcast Rooftop PV Power forecast using site measurements. Learn how tuning can optimize rooftop PV power estimates by capturing shading and underperformance, providing you with more reliable predictions for residential and commercial systems.

Solar Analysis
Extreme weather patterns deliver mixed solar results across Australia
Winter weather extremes led to varied solar energy generation across Australia during July and August 2024, with a polar vortex and high-pressure systems impacting solar irradiance. Check our latest analysis.
Solar Analysis

Solar Analysis
Sunny end to summer delivers record-breaking European solar generation
Europe's solar power sector hit new heights this August, with record-breaking solar generation driven by sunny condition and increased capacity.
Solar Analysis

Solar Analysis
South American Solar smothered by winter wildfires
Wildfires in Brazil and a high-pressure system over the South Pacific influenced solar irradiance across South America in July 2024. Read the full analysis using the Solcast API.
Solar Analysis

How can site measurements improve my PV Power forecast?
Discover how to use site measurements in Solcast’s Advanced PV Power model to enhance solar forecast accuracy by combining physical modeling with empirical improvements. Ideal for utility and C&I sites, learn how tuning can optimize your PV power estimates by using site measurement data.

Solar Analysis
Typhoon, monsoon, record heatwave impacted irradiance across Asia in July
Diverse weather events, from Typhoon Gaemi to a record monsoon and heatwave, caused significant variations in solar irradiance across Asia in July 2024. Check our analysis using the Solcast API.
Solar Analysis